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Fixing Metasploit install/upgrade(s) on Ubuntu 22.04

Recently I noticed on an Ubuntu 22.04 based virtual machine I started to get a warning when attempting to update Metasploit. $ msfupdate Switching to root user to update the package [sudo] password for anon: Adding metasploit-framework to your repository list..Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)). OK Updating package cache..W: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.

SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2019

Every year I look forward to spending a little time around the holidays playing SANS Holiday Hack Challenge. I typically don’t finish all the levels, but I always learn a few things because it forces me into new areas to solve the challenges. This year it seemed like a bunch of the challenges were focused around defense, doing forensics and sifting through logs. I learned a fair amount about Powershell. The funnest challenge for me this year though was centered around physical security.

Using LLVM AddressSanitizer to Detect Overflows

One topic of security that has perked my interest for a while is fuzzing. It’s certainly not a new topic and although I’ve been aware of it, I haven’t really done that much hands on work with it outside of web application fuzzing. In this post, I wanted to get the very basics of using fuzzing as a building block for exploit development. Recently browsing the Twitterverse I came across a couple of great resources on fuzzing.

Protostar Exercises on Modern Linux

Sometime in the past few months the domain expired and you can no longer download the VMs from there. Which had me wondering, what would it take to simulate the exploitation experience on a more modern version of Linux. The original version used Debian 6.0 with kernel version 2.6.32. That is a while ago. Instead of installing an old version of Debian, we can start with Ubuntu 18.04 64-bit desktop and build up from there.